Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What will they think of next?

A lot of people here don't have money to spend on nice things, and generally you can see that just by going to the store. One of those luxuries are sweets, we don't have very many available to us, and those that we have are usually not that good in the first place. The one thing we do have that I would consider acceptable, are Oreos.

Yes good old fashioned Christie brand Oreos, the cookie everyone hates, but the filling everyone loves. I admit, I like them, they're far from my favourite cookie, but they'll do nicely. Personally, I would love nothing more than to buy a tube of cookie dough and bake some good chocolate chip cookies, but you can't do that here.

However, despite the goodness of Oreos, I recently found myself on the receiving end of a nasty new surprise courtesy of Christie. I don't even know if I can bear to type it, it's that bad. This new type of Oreo is just plain wrong and is proof of the concept, too much of a good thing. Feast your eyes. On this!

That's right, those are Oreos smothered with white chocolate. Who on earth thought that these were a good idea? Was there already not enough sugar in Oreos, did we really need them to be covered in icing? I love sweet things, but this is ridiculous, it's like you're just eating a block of sugar. I would love to be a fly on the wall when the executives decided to approve this abomination. Seriously, these are just awful, shame on those executives.

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