Today we traveled to the city of Morales, a city about half an hour away, and said to be the roughly the size of Fort McMurray. I was told that there are lots of stores and things to buy which can't be bought here, so I was reservedly looking forward to going.
The trip to Morales is actually fairly nice. Lot's of rolling hills, but only one or two villages and no speed bumps, so getting there is fairly easy. Once in the city however, everything becomes a mess. They really need to hire a city planner, as roads go wherever, become narrow in an instant, and street signs are missing. I guess that's the third world after all, but still.
Anyways, to keep this brief, I'll just say that Morales is very disappointing. Yeah, it's big, however it's all the same stores constantly repeating. If you want to see creatively bankrupt people, go to Morales. Everything we got there, can be bought here for the same price, no difference at all.
Good experience