Saturday, February 9, 2013


I recently discovered that there is a turtle living around the yacht. It's not one of those giant sized turtles, but more like the size of a dinner plate. There it was swimming gracefully on the surface of the water, and then it dived down to the riverbed and went to sleep. I haven't seen it since then, but I'm sure I will someday.

1 comment:

  1. How nice it is having a turtle living around you. I used to have a pet turtle, I left the guy under a bunch of flowers with all green leaves. The guy really liked meat, if i gave him meat everyday, he grow up so fast, but sometimes i forgot to feed him, almost one month, i did not go to that bedroom. Then he ate the green leaves. I used a hard brush to clean his shell.
    Turtle means long life in Japan, so, one day I got a gift of the turtle, i said it was OK for me, but be careful give the turtle gift to a man .
