Friday, January 11, 2013

Planned Obsolesence

There's an old saying in Chicago. Once is coincidence, twice is happenstance, and third time is enemy action. Well, it's now enemy action.

A few months ago, my dad's laptop had his battery quit on him. His battery icon has a red X over it, and whenever you hover over it, there's a message telling him to replace his battery. Damn, that's a shame, but he must have just gotten a bad battery.

A short while later, my mom had the same issue. Uh oh, that's not good, but it can't happen to me. Right?

Well fast forward to today and now my battery has given out. What's wrong with these computers? It can't just be bad luck at this point. Three laptop batteries (all the same model) going out at the same time. It can only mean that these batteries were designed to give out shortly after the warranty period had expired. If that is indeed the case, that's just plain evil. What happened to making a good product which lasts the test of time? Wait, don't answer I already know what happened.


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