Tuesday, January 15, 2013

West Side is Best Side

The eastern side of Guatemala is all jungle and plantations. I was expecting the western half to be pretty much the same, however I was presently surprised to find out that this was not the case.

Western Guatemala is a fairly arid and forested region. In fact you cut the area right out of Guatemala and place it into Canada without anyone noticing. The climate is also about ten degrees cooler, imagine Edmonton during May, however May never ends. I can't deny that I really liked being in the west, it was the first time since leaving Canada that I felt at home.

Guatemala City is also a remarkable place. Most areas of Guatemala give a feeling of mediocrity, where no one has ambition or vision for the future. The city on the other hand is a modern metropolis worthy of Vancouver or Calgary. The lone volcano in the distance is especially wonderful.

However despite the beauty of the city, it is still a third world city. Outside of the upscale city center, the city is surrounded by slums. It is kind of jarring when you see one area of wealth, and then rest with virtually nothing. However that's the way it is here, and no one sees it changing ever.

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