Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nikka Yuko

Today we took in some of the cultural sights of Lethbridge, and the main focus was the famous Nikka Yuka Japanese Garden. This garden is designed to represent the spirit of friendship between Canada and Japan, with Nikka representing Nihon + Kanada (The Japanese interpretation of Canada), and Yuka meaning friendship.

Japan and the Lethbridge area have a long history together. During World War II, the Canadian government built internment camps in the region, and many Japanese Canadians lived there during the war. After the war ended, the Japanese community fell in love with the region, and soon became a major player in the development of Southern Alberta.

In 1967, the Nikka Yuka garden was created to honour Canada's 100th anniversary. Since then, it has become one of the most popular places in all of Lethbridge.