Friday, August 31, 2012

They can fly?!

It was just a normal night like any other. The sun was down for hours, and a storm was raging as usual. As per tradition, the power eventually failed, and we scrambled to turn on the generators so that we could have some lights. In about a minute we had power restored, but the internet was down, so I tried to paint something. After painting on my art program, I looked up and saw something about the size of an eraser fluttering around the lamp on the other side of the room.

I wasn't sure what it was, perhaps it was a moth, we do have a lot of those around here. Well, we have a lot of every type of creepy crawly around here. Moths, butterflies, spiders, lizards, frogs, birds, etc... If it exists, we have it here in one form or another. What I didn't realize at this time, was that the flying thing was none other than...

Yes, that is a cockroach that can fly. How many of you guys knew that cockroaches had wings and could fly around? I had only ever seen the roaches scurrying around on the floor, so seeing this one flying around was a huge shock to me. We tried to kill it, but these things move fast and was able to get away.

As we were sitting in the living room today, I saw this cockroach again near the lamp. Using a shoe this time, we crushed this pest and gave him as tribute to the fish. One less pest to worry about.


  1. I did not see this guy in Fort McMurray

    1. No, roaches can live in the north, but they are most common in tropical and sub-tropical places.
